Dufaux, FredericOuaret, MouradEbrahimi, Touradj2007-08-282007-08-282007-08-28200710.1117/12.719535https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/10929We consider dense networks of surveillance cameras capturing overlapped images of the same scene from different viewing directions, such a scenario being referred to as multi-view. Data compression is paramount in such a system due to the large amount of captured data. In this paper, we propose a Multi-view Distributed Video Coding approach. It allows for low complexity / low power consumption at the encoder side, and the exploitation of inter-view correlation without communications among the cameras. We introduce a combination of temporal intra-view side information and homography inter-view side information. Simulation results show both the improvement of the side information, as well as a significant gain in terms of coding efficiency.LTS1multi-viewdistributed video codingnetwork of camerasRecent Advances in Multi-view Distributed Video Codingtext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper