Battaglia, CorsinSchwier, Eikeà-FabianMonney, ClaudeDidiot, ClémentMariotti, NicolasGaal-Nagy, KatalinOnida, GiovanniGarnier, Michael-GunnarAebi, Philipp2011-03-152011-03-152011-03-15201110.1088/0953-8984/23/13/135003 angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy we investigate the electronic valence band structure of the Si(331)-(12 × 1) surface reconstruction for which we recently proposed a structural model containing silicon pentamers as elementary structural building blocks. We find that this surface, reported to be metallic in a previous study, shows a clear band gap at the Fermi energy, indicating semiconducting behavior. An occupied surface state, presumably containing several spectral components, is found centered at −0.6 eV exhibiting a flat energy dispersion. These results are confirmed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy and are consistent with recent first-principles calculations for our structural model.Angle-Resolved PhotoemissionElectronic-StructureSi(111)7X7StatesValence band structure of the Si(331)-(12 × 1) surface reconstructiontext::journal::journal article::research article