Farmer, S.R.Auwerx, J.2009-04-072009-04-072009-04-07200410.1111/j.1467-789X.2004.00157.x review highlights the presentations and discussions held during the 2003 Stock Conference in Lisbon focussed on the identification of new therapeutic targets for the treatment of obesity and identified through molecular and genetic studies. Transcription factors and their cofactors, signalling pathways and new insights provided by cellular and genetic studies were discussed as potential new avenues to modulate adipocyte formation and functionAdiponectinC/EBPCofactorsEnergy homeostasisFoxo1LectinNuclear receptorsPGC-1aPPARgSignalling factorsTIF-2TranscriptionUCP-1Adipose tissue: New therapeutic targets from molecular and genetic studies - IASO Stock Conference 2003 reporttext::journal::journal article::review article