Que, Z.Seifert, H.P.Spätig, P.Holzer, J.Zhang, A.Rao, G.S.Ritter, S.2019-11-302019-11-302019-11-302019-07-0110.1016/j.corsci.2019.04.011https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/163490The fracture behaviour of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels with various sulphur and phosphorus contents, different environmentally-assisted cracking (EAC) and temper embrittlement (TE) susceptibilities was evaluated by elastic plastic fracture mechanics tests in air and various simulated light water reactors environments. A moderate but clear reduction of fracture initiation resistance occurred in a) high-sulphur steel with high EAC susceptibility in oxygenated high-temperature water with aggressive occluded crevice environment and preceding EAC growth, and in b) high-phosphorus steel with high TE susceptibility, where the reduction of fracture resistance was most pronounced in hydrogenated high-temperature water.Environmental degradation of fracture resistance in high-temperature water environments of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels with high sulphur or phosphorus contentstext::journal::journal article::research article