Mantsinen, M. J.Angioni, C.Eriksson, L. G.Gondhalekar, A.Hellsten, T.Johnson, T.Mayoral, M. L.McClements, K. G.Nave, M. F. F.Nguyen, F.Podda, S.Rapp, J.Sauter, O.Sharapov, S. E.Westerhof, E.2008-04-162008-04-162008-04-16200210.1088/0741-3335/44/8/307 cyclotron heating and current drive at omega approximate to 2omega(cH) in JET deuterium plasmas with a hydrogen concentration n(H)/(n(D)+n(H)) in the range of 5-15% are analysed, comparing results of numerical computer modelling with experiments. Second harmonic hydrogen damping is found to be maximized by placing the resonance on the, low-field side (LFS) of the torus, which minimizes competing direct electron damping and parasitic high-harmonic D damping in the presence of D beams. The shape of the calculated current perturbation and the radial localization of the heating power density for the LFS resonance are consistent with the experimentally observed evolution of the sawtooth period when the resonance layer moves near the q = 1 surface. Since the calculated driven current is dominated by a current of diamagnetic type caused by finite orbit widths of trapped resonating ions, it is not too sensitive to the ICRF phasing. Control of sawteeth with ion cyclotron current drive using the LFS omega approximate to 2omega(cH) resonance in the present experimental conditions can thus be best obtained by varying the resonance location rather than the ICRF phasing. Due to differences in fast ion orbits, collisional electron heating and fast ion pressure profiles are significantly more peaked for a LFS resonance than for a high-field side (HFS) resonance. For the HFS omega approximate to 2omega(cH) resonance, an enhanced neutron rate is observed in the presence of D beam ions, which is consistent with parasitic D damping at the omega approximate to 2omega(cD) resonance in the plasma centre.JETAnalysis of ion cyclotron heating and current drive at omega approximate to 2 omega(cH) for sawtooth control in JET plasmastext::journal::journal article::research article