Schwitzguebel, Jean-PaulComino, ElenaPlata, NadiaKhalvati, Mohammadali2011-12-162011-12-162011-12-16201110.1007/s11356-011-0498-0, aim and scope Phytoremediation does exploit natural plant physiological processes and can be used to decontaminate agricultural soils, industrial sites, brownfields, sediments and water containing inorganic and organic pollutants or to improve food chain safety by phytostabilisation of toxic elements. It is a low-cost and environment friendly technology targetting removal, degradation or immobilisation of contaminants. The aim of the present review is to highlight some recent advances in phytoremediation in the Alpine context.PhytoremediationAlpine regionsContaminated soilsIndustrial wastewaterPetroleum hydrocarbonsSulphonated aromatic compoundsTrace elementsMycorrhizal fungiPolycyclic Aromatic-HydrocarbonsGrowth-Promoting RhizobacteriaTotal Petroleum-HydrocarbonsHorizontal Subsurface FlowHeavy-Metal AvailabilityRyegrass Lolium-PerenneArbuscular MycorrhizalPlant-GrowthConstructed WetlandsWhite CloverIs phytoremediation a sustainable and reliable approach to clean-up contaminated water and soil in Alpine areas?text::journal::journal article::review article