Petitpierre, Remi2023-07-192023-07-192023-07-19202110.5281/zenodo.5513639 dataset includes a total of 635 annotated image patches from historical city maps. It is designed for the semantic segmentation of the maps into 5 semantic classes (building blocks, non-built, water, road network, background frame). 330 patches are taken from maps of the city of Paris, while the 305 others are taken from a balanced corpus of city maps from 90 countries all around the world. Please read the detailed informations about data collection methodology, associated metadata and annotation ontology in hereunder :ensemantic segmentationhistorical mapsurban historydocument processingcomputer visiondigital humanitiesHistorical City Maps Semantic Segmentation Datasetdataset0fd453c2-d91a-41a4-a73b-50610aa7e970