Galychyn, Oleksandr2023-01-192023-01-192023-01-192023 report describes the implementation of the procedure in EUCalc (KNIME) to develop SwissCalc, ParisCalc and LausanneCalc. The goal is to downscale levers already in EUCalc like biophysical calorie demand per person, daily calories of food wasted and the total calorie demand by population, population density, the residential and non-residential area per building type, district heating share, beneficial energy consumption (energy need) by building and appliance type, urban protected area, transport demand per capita and transport mode, occupancy and utilization rate of vehicles, a lifetime of cars and appliances, the efficiency of heating and cooling systems, vehicles, and home appliances. Furthermore, report describes approaches for downscaling emission intensities per fuel type and technology, GHG emissions per technology and fuel type associated with transportation. Finally,it identifies features irrelevant to the city scale in EUCalc and the proposition of new features relevant to any Calc.LifestylesClimateTechnologyBuildingsTransportIndustryMineralsWaterDistrict heatingAir pollutionDownscale methodology: EUCalc to CityCalctext::report