Roknian, NoamShoshan, YonatanStanger, InbalTeman, AdamCharbon, EdoardoFish, Alexander2023-06-192023-06-192023-06-192023-01-0110.1109/LASCAS56464.2023.10108221 operation is the backbone of many cutting edge applications. Significant work has been done to characterize and model all cryogenic effects for creating a reliable, robust and efficient cryogenic design across a wide range of technologies and process nodes. This paper presents the main phenomena that alter device behaviour, their implications on cryogenicspecific integrated circuit design, and the variations between each technology node.Computer Science, Interdisciplinary ApplicationsEngineering, Electrical & ElectronicComputer ScienceEngineeringcryogenic operationcmosliquid helium temperaturequantum computingthreshold voltagelow-temperatureperformancemosfetcmosOverview of Cryogenic Operation in Nanoscale Technology Nodestext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper