Battaglia, CorsinSöderström, KarinEscarré, JordiHaug, Franz-JosefDespeisse, MatthieuBallif, Christophe2013-02-222013-02-222013-02-22201310.3791/50177 describe a nanomoulding technique which allows low-cost nanoscale patterning of functional materials, materials stacks and full devices. Nanomoulding combined with layer transfer enables the replication of arbitrary surface patterns from a master structure onto the functional material. Nanomoulding can be performed on any nanoimprinting setup and can be applied to a wide range of materials and deposition processes. In particular we demonstrate the fabrication of patterned transparent zinc oxide electrodes for light trapping applications in solar cells.Nanomoulding of functional materials, a versatile complementary pattern replication method to nanoimprintingtext::journal::journal article::research article