Wüest, Alfred JohnyBärenzung, Kevin2019-07-012019-07-012019-07-012019-04-20https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/158710A three-dimensional hydrodynamic Z-model was conceived for Lake Zurich (Switzerland, ZH) using the modeling software Delft3D. Calibration was performed on the thermal profile in 2017 at three monitoring stations located in both basins, and was validated on years 2015 and 2016 with the same method. The model reproduced effectively thermal stratification and water temperature’s spatial and temporal variability. Specific hydrodynamic events were correctly simulated: upwellings were detected but their amplitude was underestimated; seiches periods were found accordingly to values reported in the literature. Hypolimnion’s temperature was nicely reproduced but results were less accurate in the epilimnion and especially in the metalimnion. Flow velocities were qualitatively evaluated and exhibited realistic values; the model was able to reproduce clockwise and counterclockwise flow rotation motions. Suggested improvements imply collecting more data about rivers, the importance of the latter on Obersee dynamicsLac de ZürichModèle 3DDelft3DCalibrationHydrodynamiqueTempérature de l’eauCourantsLake Zürich3D modelingDelft3DCalibrationHydrodynamicsWater temperatureCurrents3D hydrodynamic modeling of Lake Zürichstudent work::master thesis