Gröchenig, MichaelWyss, Dimitri StelioZiegler, Paul2019-12-062019-12-062019-12-062018-10-15 this article we give a new proof of Ngô's Geometric Stabilisation Theorem, which implies the Fundamental Lemma. This is a statement which relates the cohomology of Hitchin fibres for a quasi-split reductive group scheme G to the cohomology of Hitchin fibres for the endoscopy groups Hκ. Our proof avoids the Decomposition and Support Theorem, instead the argument is based on results for p-adic integration on coarse moduli spaces of Deligne-Mumford stacks. Along the way we establish a description of the inertia stack of the (anisotropic) moduli stack of G-Higgs bundles in terms of endoscopic data, and extend duality for generic Hitchin fibres of Langlands dual group schemes to the quasi-split case.Geometric stabilisation via $p$-adic integrationtext::preprint