Bao, ChangjingLiao, PeichengPfeiffer, Martin Hubert PeterZhang, LinKarpov, MaximKordts, ArneCao, YinwenYan, YanAlmaiman, AhmedXie, GuodongMohajerin-Ariaei, AmirhosseinLi, LongZiyadi, MortezaWilkinson, Steven R.Tur, MosheKippenberg, Tobias J.Willner, Alan E.2017-02-172017-02-172017-02-17201610.1364/CLEO_SI.2016.SW4E.8 generation of primary sub-comb-lines with high coherence using dual pumps in a SiN microresonator is investigated. A total capacity of 400 Gbit/s has been experimentally demonstrated in coherent communications based on the generated combs.Experimental Generation of High-Coherence Sub-Prime Comb Lines with Multiple Sub-Lines in a Kerr Frequency Comb using Dual Pumpstext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper