Tonietti, Sandro2013-12-232013-12-232013-12-232012 section cuts through BÜMPLIZ-BETHLEHEM – western periphery district of the city of Bern. The drawing shows fragments of a picturesque garden city, cheap and simple Kriegssiedlungen, post-World War II serial houses, CIAM-influenced large-scale ensembles and vestiges of a former farming village cohabiting side by side. The patchwork-like urban body of BÜMPLIZ-BETHLEHEM appears in section as a linear succession of very diverse city spaces and transition moments. This comprehension of the city as a "sequence" of different spatial conditions is reflected in the project. The project organizes an urban sequence from the old village through a 1970ies' large-scale housing ensemble to the railway station. The transformation of the Fellergut's fissured interior landscape and the implantation of Bern's civil registry office turn the "Grosssiedlung" into urban space.administrationéducation, instruction et rechercheurbanisme et aménagement du territoirebât. administratif publiccrèche, jardin d'enfantsaménagement de quartier d'habitation en villerestructuration urbaineintervention paysagère et environnementalenouvelle constructionréhabilitationaménagement du territoire, urbanisme, insertion urbainearchitecture paysagère, environnement, protection des sitesbétonboispériphérie urb./banlieueîleBerneBümpliz-BethlehemBümplizstrasseSuisse allemandeSuisseEuropeThe Stars of Bümpliz-Bethlehem. Project Fellergut besserstudent work::master thesis