Fan, HaifengVassilopoulos, Anastasios P.Keller, Thomas2017-05-302017-05-302017-05-30201710.1061/(Asce)Cc.1943-5614.0000760 experiments were performed on four carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) ground anchors simulating their applications in rock and soil. The CFRP tendons used in these anchors comprise a single-strap end on both ground and air sides. On the ground side, the single-strap end is embedded in a prefabricated cylinder of high-strength grout that fits into the borehole. In rock applications, the ground-side anchor can be used without additional confinement, while in the case of soil, an additional CFRP confinement ring is needed to prevent premature grout failure in the strap region. The load transfer from the strap to the grout cylinder occurs progressively; approximately 50% of the load is transferred at the semicircular strap end, while the remaining 50% is transferred at the curved transition from the strap to the rod segment of the free length. (C) 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.Carbon fiber-reinforced polymerGround anchorSingle-strap endConfinementPull-out behaviorGIS_PUBLIPull-Out Behavior of CFRP Single-Strap Ground Anchorstext::journal::journal article::research article