Massaro, GianlorenzoAbbattista, CristoforoAmoroso, LeonardoBurri, SamuelCharbon, EdoardoDi Lena, FrancescoGaruccio, AugustoGiannella, DavideHradil, ZdenekIacobellis, MicheleMos, PaulMotka, LiborPaùr, MartinPepe, Francesco V.Peterek, MichalPetrelli, IsabellaRehácek, JaroslavSantoro, FrancescaScattarella, FrancescoUlku, ArinVasiukov, SergiiWayne, MichaelD'Angelo, MilenaBruschini, ClaudioIeronymaki, MariaStoklasa, Bohumil2021-09-192021-09-192021-09-192021-07-1110.1117/12.2600791 introduce a new generation of 3D imaging devices based on quantum plenoptic imaging. Position-momentum entanglement and photon number correlations are exploited to provide a scan-free 3D image after post-processing of the collected light intensity signal. We explore the steps toward designing and implementing quantum plenop- tic cameras with dramatically improved performances, unattainable in standard plenoptic cameras, such as diffraction-limited resolution, large depth of focus, and ultra-low noise. However, to make these new types of devices attractive to end-users, two main challenges need to be tackled: the reduction of the acquisition times, that for the commercially available high-resolution cameras would be from tens of seconds to a few minutes, and a speed-up in processing the large amount of data that are acquired, in order to retrieve 3D reconstructions or refocused 2D images. To address these challenges, we are employing high-resolution SPAD (single photon avalanche diode) arrays and high-performance low-level programming of ultra-fast electronics, combined with compressive sensing and quantum tomography algorithms, with the aim of reducing both the acquisition and the elaboration time by one or possibly two orders of magnitude. Moreover, in order to achieve the quantum limit and further increase the volumetric resolution beyond the Rayleigh diffraction limit, we explored dedicated pro- tocols based on quantum Fisher information. Finally, we discuss how this new generation of quantum plenoptic devices could be exploited in different fields of research, such as 3D microscopy and space imaging.Towards quantum 3D imaging devicestext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper