Hairer, MartinIberti, Massimo2024-09-172024-09-172024-09-112018-05-0110.1007/s10955-018-2033-x consider the sequence of Gibbs measures of Ising models with Kac interaction defined on a periodic two-dimensional discrete torus near criticality. Using the convergence of the Glauber dynamic proven by Mourrat and Weber (Commun Pure Appl Math 70:717-812, 2017) and a method by Tsatsoulis and Weber employed in we show tightness for the sequence of Gibbs measures of the Ising-Kac model near criticality and characterise the law of the limit as the measure on the torus. Our result is very similar to the one obtained by Cassandro et al. (J Stat Phys 78(3):1131-1138, 1995) on , but our strategy takes advantage of the dynamic, instead of correlation inequalities. In particular, our result covers the whole critical regime and does not require the large temperature/large mass/small coupling assumption present in earlier results.enVANKac potentialIsing modelStochastic quantizationGlauber dynamicScience & TechnologyPhysical SciencesTightness of the Ising-Kac Model on the Two-Dimensional Torustext::journal::journal article