Jaćimović, JaćimVâju, CristianGaál, RichardMagrez, ArnaudBerger, HelmuthForró, Laszlo2010-05-112010-05-112010-05-11201010.3390/ma3031509https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/50030WOS:000298240500002We report resistivity and thermo-electric power measurements of the anatase phase of TiO2 under pressure up to 2.3 GPa. Despite its transparent appearance, the single crystal of anatase exhibits a metallic-like resistivity above 60 K, at all pressures. The rather high value of the thermo-electric power at room temperature points to complex transport mechanism in this phase.entransparent semiconductorresistivitythermo-electric powerHigh-pressure study of anatase TiO2text::journal::journal article::research article