Lindner, ScottZhang, ChaoAntolovic, IvanKalyanov, AlexanderJiang, JingjingAhnen, Lindadi Costanzo, AldoMata Pavia, JuanSanchez Majos, SalvadorCharbon, EdoardoWolf, Martin2018-08-132018-08-132018-08-13201810.1364/TRANSLATIONAL.2018.JTh5A.6 increase the spatial resolution of near-infrared optical tomography, we successfully designed and tested a 32×32 time-resolved SPAD image sensor with unprecedented sensitivity in the near-infrared and fast image acquisition speed.A Novel 32 x 32, 224 Mevents/s Time Resolved SPAD Image Sensor for Near-Infrared Optical Tomographytext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper