Tiwari, DhirendraBellouard, YvesDietzel, AndreasRen, MaoshengRubingh, EricMeinders, Erwin2015-07-202015-07-202015-07-20201010.1143/APEX.3.127101https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/116395We report on dynamical observations of femtosecond-laser-generated bubbles in water using a single-laser-source pump/probe setup combined with stroboscopic imaging. With this simple setup, we accurately measure the transmission of a probe beam and simultaneously record images giving the size and lifetime of single-pulse-generated bubbles. Our experiments indicate that stable bubble nucleation can be obtained with pulses repetition rate up to 142 kHz, which offers promising perspectives for high-throughput jetting.Dynamical Observation of Femtosecond-Laser-Induced Bubbles in Water Using a Single Laser Source for Probing and Sensingtext::journal::journal article::research article