Gröchenig, MichaelWyss, Dimitri StelioZiegler, Paul2019-12-062019-12-062019-12-062017-09-20 prove the Topological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by Hausel-Thaddeus for smooth moduli spaces of Higgs bundles of type $SL_n$ and $PGL_n$. More precisely, we establish an equality of stringy Hodge numbers for certain pairs of algebraic orbifolds generically fibred into dual abelian varieties. Our proof utilises $p$-adic integration relative to the fibres, and interprets canonical gerbes present on these moduli spaces as characters on the Hitchin fibres using Tate duality. Furthermore we prove for $d$ coprime to $n$, that the number of rank $n$ Higgs bundles of degree $d$ over a fixed curve defined over a finite field, is independent of $d$. This proves a conjecture by Mozgovoy--Schiffman in the coprime case.Mirror symmetry for moduli spaces of Higgs bundles via $p$-adic integrationtext::preprint