Furlan, PalomaPfister, MichaelGamito de Saldanha Calado Matos, José PedroSchleiss, Anton2017-09-042017-09-042017-09-042017https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/139973Spillways are designed to evacuate floods in a safe way. They should safely release water in order to avoid dam overtopping with its related damages. Nevertheless, it may be dangerous to assume that a flood is only carrying “clear” water. Large woody debris (LWD) and sediments are often transported by rivers into reservoirs during heavy rainfall events. There is still a lack of knowledge regarding the behaviour of LWD at spillway inlets equipped with piers and gates. The accumulation and blockage of LWD at spillway inlets are a significant problem as they can reduce the discharge capacity of the spillway and consequently, an uncontrolled increase of the water level in the reservoir may occur. Literature provides mainly knowledge on the effect of LWD at bridges in rivers with relatively high flow velocities. However, the latter is hardly applicable for reservoir approach flow conditions. Knowledge of the LWD blockage processes at spillways is important regarding the safety assessment of a dam. The present paper summarizes a series of preliminary laboratory experiments, where the influences of different LWD characteristics are linked to blocking probabilities at an ogee crest spillway equipped with piers. The results highlight the influence of repeatability of events and density of LWD on blocking probabilities under different hydraulic conditions.Large woody debrisBlocking probabilityOgee crestSpillwaysFloodsBLOCKING PROBABILITY OF DRIFTWOOD AT OGEE CREST SPILLWAYS WITH PIERS: INFLUENCE OF WOODY DEBRIS CHARACTERISTICStext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper