Avellan, FrançoisDupont, PhilippeKvicinsky, SoniaChapuis, LionelParkinson, EtienneVullioud, Gerald2005-11-042005-11-042005-11-041998https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/219056WOS:000077868900030Hydraulic machine design can now take advantage of advanced flow calculation methods which are made available by several CFD software companies. Thanks to these recent developments, the so called "Volume Of Fluid" (VOF) methods can be now used for the analysis of the free surface flows in a Pelton Turbine. The aim of this paper is to evaluate this VOF approach with respect to the computation of the jet at the outlet of a Pelton injector and its trajectory in the buckets.Flow Calculations in Pelton Turbines,- Part 2 : Free Surface Flowstext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper