Blazevic, LjubicaLe Boudec, Jean-YvesGiordano, Silvia2005-07-132005-07-132005-07-132002 designed the terminode routing protoc ol with the objective to scale in large mobile ad hoc networks where the topology, or node distribution, is irregular. Our routing protocol is a combination of two protocols: Terminode Local Routing (TLR - to reach a close destination) and Terminode Remot e Routing (TRR - to send data to remote destinations). TRR is the key element to achieve scalability and reduce dependence on intermediate systems. Termin-ode routing uses anchored paths, a list of geographic points - that are not affected by nodes mobili ty -, rather than conventional paths of nodes. Terminode routing is completed by a low-overhead distributed method for discovering of anchored paths, and by a method for handling the inaccuracy of the location information. The presented simu-lation result s confirm that terminode routing performs well in different sized networks. In smaller ad hoc networks performance of terminode routing is comparable to MANET routing protocols. In larger networks, where MANET-like routing protocols break, terminode routing performs well; moreover, in larger networks that are not uniformly populated with nodes, terminode routing outperforms the existing location-based routing hoc networkscalable routingposition-based routing methodrobustness to location inaccuracyAd-Hoc terminodesA Scalable Routing Method for Irregular Mobile Ad Hoc Networkstext::report