Larrea, XabierTerrier, AlexandreFaye, Younouss2013-06-282013-06-282013 ankle replacement (TAR) is a successful short-term procedure but after ten years the implants have low survival rates involving numerous complications. Today the mechanism that leads to the failure of TAR remains unclear. Therefore there is a need a better understanding that leads TAR to failure. One solution is to build a numerical model of the ankle including an ankle implant and to measure the load in the implant during a specific ankle motion. Thus the objectives of this project was twofold: to develop a numerical model of the ankle articulation and too execute a numerical simulation in order to find the biggest loads in the ankle during the human gait cycle.Joint biomechanicsFEMAnklefinishedNumerical model of the ankle joint for the study of total ankle replacementstudent work::semester or other student projects