

The need to distribute large files across multiple wide-area sites is becoming increasingly common, for instance, in support of scientific computing, configuring distributed systems, distributing software updates such as open source ISOs or Windows patches, or disseminating multimedia content. Recently a number of techniques have been proposed for simultaneously retrieving portions of a file from multiple remote sites with the twin goals of filling the client's pipe and overcoming any performance bottlenecks between the client and any individual server. While there are a number of interesting tradeoffs in locating appropriate download sites in the face of dynamically changing network conditions, to date there has been no systematic evaluation of the merits of different protocols. This paper explores the design space of file distribution protocols and conducts a detailed performance evaluation of a number of competing systems running in both controlled emulation environments and live across the Internet. Based on our experience with these systems under a variety of conditions, we propose, implement and evaluate Bullet' (Bullet prime), a mesh based high bandwidth data dissemination system that outperforms previous techniques under both static and dynamic conditions


