

Elastic interfaces display scale-invariant geometrical fluctuations at sufficiently large lengthscales. Their asymptotic static roughness then follows a power-law behavior, whose associated exponent provides a robust signature of the universality class to which they belong. The associated prefactor has instead a nonuniversal amplitude fixed by the microscopic interplay between thermal fluctuations and disorder, usually hidden below experimental resolution. Here we compute numerically the roughness of a one-dimensional elastic interface subject to both thermal fluctuations and a quenched disorder with a finite correlation length. We evidence the existence of a power-law regime at short lengthscales. We determine the corresponding exponent ζdis and find compelling numerical evidence that, contrarily to available analytic predictions, one has ζdis<1. We discuss the consequences on the temperature dependence of the roughness and the connection with the asymptotic random-manifold regime at large lengthscales. We also discuss the implications of our findings for other systems such as the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation and the Burgers turbulence.
