

A novel Ultra High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) mix with synthetic fibers and a low clinker matrix, henceforth referred to as PE-UHPFRC, has been developed for structural applications. It exhibits a high tensile elastic limit above 7 MPa, a tensile strength of more than 10 MPa, and a very high tensile hardening domain of above 3.5%. In order to effectively use this material, its protective properties have been investigated on the basis of the effect of tensile deformation and subsequent cracking on water transport properties, for a wide range of tensile strain. A special setup was developed to measure the capillary absorption of liquids while the specimen is under tension. The results show a considerable reduction in capillary absorption in case of PE-UHPFRC compared with Strain Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC). Moreover, the results highlight the considerable effect of the onset of cracking on capillary absorption.


