

Recently, it was noted that losses in plasmonics can also enable several useful optical functionalities. One class of structures that can maximize absorption are metal insulator metal systems. Here, we study 3-layer systems with a nano-composite metal layer as top layer. These systems can absorb almost 100% of light at visible frequencies, even though they contain only dielectrics and highly reflecting metals. We elucidate the underlying physical phenomenon that leads to this extraordinary high and broadband absorption. A comprehensive study of the particle material and shape, mirror material and dielectric spacer thickness is provided to identify their influence on the overall absorption. Thus, we can provide detailed design guidelines for realizing optical functionalities that require near-perfect absorption over specific wavelength bands. Our results reveal the strong role of lossy Fabry-Perot interference within these systems despite their thickness being well below half a wavelength. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
