
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) with nanotubular TiO2 electrodes of varying thicknesses are compared to DSCs based on conventional nanoparticulate electrodes. Despite the higher degree of order in one-dimensional nanotubular electrodes, electron transport times and diffusion coeffs., detd. under short-circuit conditions, are comparable to those of nanoparticulate electrodes. The quasi-Fermi level, however, is much lower in the nanotubes, suggesting a lower concn. of conduction band electrons. This provides evidence for a much higher diffusion coeff. for conduction band electrons in nanotubes than in nanoparticulate films. The electron lifetime and the diffusion length are significantly longer in nanotubular TiO2 electrodes than in nanoparticulate films. Nanotubular electrodes have a trap distribution that differs significantly from nanoparticulate electrodes; they possess relatively deeper traps and have a characteristic energy of the exponential distribution that is more than two times that of nanoparticulate electrodes.
