
The effect of RC attenuation was not correctly taken into account. This led to a misinterpretation of the photocurrent response data that was in Figure 3a on page 17717 and further discussion. Under operating conditions, electrons are accumulated throughout the nanostructured TiO2, rendering the film conducting. The photocurrent response under such conditions is affected or dominated by the RC time of the solar cell, where the resistance R is the sum of the resistances of the conducting glass and that of the TiO2 film, and the capacitance C the sum of the capacity of the conducting glass/electrolyte interface and the chem. capacitance of the nanostructured TiO2. Figure 3b (3b has been reprinted) shows the transport time calcd. from the data of Figure 3a using appropriate correction for the RC time. At lower light intensities transport time decreased with voltage, whereas little change was obsd. at the highest light intensity. At voltages high than 0.65 V transport times were independent of light intensity. On page 17718, Table 2 is incorrect; supplemental Table 2 shows calcd. effective diffusion coeffs. and diffusion lengths using the cor. values of τtr.

