
In the foreseen upgrade of the Tokamak-a-Configuration-Variable (TCV) it is planned to add 3MW of additional RF power (3rd harmonic X-mode, X3, top-launch) to the present Electron Cyclotron (EC) system. With the upgrade of the EC-system, bringing the total EC power in X3-mode to 4.5MW, and the installation of 1 MW of neutral beam injection, a new avenue will be opened allowing the extensive study of H-mode physics in TCV. The envisaged new gyrotrons (lMW, 126GHz) are based on a minimum redesign of the 140 GHz gyrotron that was developed within the European development program for W7-X [1,2]. The layout, the operational capabilities, and the TCV plasma parameter range that will be achievable with the upgraded TCV EC-system are discussed.
