
Architect Renato Salvi has an atypical professional career. His constructed works unfold over two different fields that influence each other and are also complementary: civil engineering highway constructions on the one hand, and a varied architectural production on the other. These two experimental fields are clearly identifiable in his practice and were enriched through teaching collaborations with Flora Ruchat at the Ecole Polytechnique fédérale of Zurich (EPFZ) and with Vincent Mangeat at the Ecole Polytechnique fédérale of Lausanne (EPFL), leading to his appointment as visiting professor for the Cluster Chair at the University of Barcelona. This monograph brings together the work and thought process of this architect “on the fringe” for whom architecture implies a certain audacity in proposing new solutions, all the while resisting the inherent inertia involved in project contingencies.

