In-situ OH kinetics study providing an indicator for ozone formation limitation
Hydroxyl radicals dominate daytime tropospheric chem., responsible for reactive removal of most trace gases (e.g., volatile org. compds.[VOC]), and is an active participant in the NO and NO2 cycle. Pump-and-probe LIDAR was used to examine the OH- chem. in the planetary boundary layer. This method consists of a high OH- concn. prodn. by a first laser beam (pump), including a flash photolysis of O3: O3 + hv (256 nm) -> O(1D) + O2, and the reaction, O(1D) + H2O -> 2OH. Its relaxation is followed by measuring the time evolution of the radical by laser-induced fluorescence (probe beam). A simulation of this expt. showed that in a short delay time, a direct est. of the total hydrocarbon reactivity defined as SVOC was obtained. The pump-and-probe technique allows measurements which can distinguish between locations where O3 formation mainly depends on NOx concns. and those where it mainly depends on VOC concns.
Copyright 2003 ACS
AN 1999:576228
CAN 131:218390
Air Pollution and Industrial Hygiene
53, 67
EPFL, DGR, LPAS, LIDAR Group,Lausanne,Switz. FIELD URL:
written in English.
Air pollution; Reaction kinetics (in-situ hydroxyl radical kinetics study providing indicator for atm. ozone formation limitations via pump-and-probe lidar); Volatile organic compounds Role: POL (Pollutant), RCT (Reactant), OCCU (Occurrence), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (in-situ hydroxyl radical kinetics study providing indicator for atm. ozone formation limitations via pump-and-probe lidar); Lidar (pump-and-probe; in-situ hydroxyl radical kinetics study providing indicator for atm. ozone formation limitations via pump-and-probe lidar)
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