
The concept of e-Government comprises of three main domains viz., e-administration, e-citizens and e-society [Heeks, 2001] and is a question of interplay among various e-Government actors which viz., political organisations, administrative bodies / public sector, business organisations / associations, training & research organisations and citizens / civil societies. Also, it has been found from various studies that a certain level of e-Government preparedness (sometimes referred as e-readiness) is an essential condition for initiating eGovernment. Since the implementation of e-Government is citizen centric and involves numerous activities influencing e-Government preparedness, an attempt has been made to link these activities to various eGovernment actors with a proposed Actor-Activity e-Government Framework wherein the e-Government activities were treated as factors responsible for success / failure of e-Government. This paper attempts to relate e-Government actors with the factors, formulating relationship and showing the level of involvement of each actor on the factors, which would subsequently indicate the level e-Government preparedness and the success / failure of e-Government.

