

In this paper, we show how an underlying system’s state vector distribution can be determined in a distributed heterogeneous sensor network with reduced subspace observability at the individual nodes. The presented algorithm can generate the initial state vector distribution for networks with a variety of sensor types as long as the collective set of measurements from all the sensors provides full state observability. Hence the network, as a whole, can be capable of observing the target state vector even if the individual nodes are not capable of observing it locally. Initialization is accomplished through a novel distributed implementation of the particle filter that involves serial particle proposal and weighting strategies that can be accomplished without sharing raw data between individual nodes. If multiple events of interest occur, their individual states can be initialized simultaneously without requiring explicit data association across nodes. The resulting distributions can be used to initialize a variety of distributed joint tracking algorithms. We present two variants of our initialization algorithm: a low complexity implementation and a low latency implementation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms we provide simulation results for initializing the states of multiple maneuvering targets in smart sensor networks consisting of acoustic and radar sensors.


