Several Multiplexes in the same City: The role of wealth differences in urban mobility
In this work we analyze the architecture of real urban mobility networks from the multiplex perspective. In particular, based on empirical data about the mobility patterns in the cities of Bogot'a and Medell'{\i}n, each city is represented by six multiplex networks, each one representing the origin-destination trips performed by a subset of the population corresponding to a particular socioeconomic status. The nodes of each multiplex are the different urban locations whereas links represent the existence of a trip from one node (origin) to another (destination). On the other hand, the different layers of each multiplex correspond to the different existing transportation modes. By exploiting the characterization of multiplex transportation networks combining different transportation modes, we aim at characterizing the mobility patterns of each subset of the population. Our results show that the socioeconomic characteristics of the population have an extraordinary impact in the layer organization of these multiplex systems.