The Eukaryotic Promoter Database: expansion of EPDnew and new promoter analysis tools
We present an update of EPDNew (http://epd. vital-it. ch), a recently introduced new part of the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) which has been described in more detail in a previous NAR Database Issue. EPD is an old database of experimentally characterized eukaryotic POL II promoters, which are conceptually defined as transcription initiation sites or regions. EPDnew is a collection of automatically compiled, organism-specific promoter lists complementing the old corpus of manually compiled promoter entries of EPD. This new part is exclusively derived from next generation sequencing data from highthroughput promoter mapping experiments. We report on the recent growth of EPDnew, its extension to additional model organisms and its improved integration with other bioinformatics resources developed by our group, in particular the Signal Search Analysis and ChIP-Seq web servers.
Nucl. Acids Res.-2015-Dreos-D92-6.pdf
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