Optimal maneuvering of seismic sensors for localization of subsurface targets
We consider the problem of detecting and locating buried land mines and subsurface objects by using a maneuvering array that receives scattered seismic surface waves. We demonstrate an adaptive system that moves an array of receivers according to an optimal positioning algorithm based on the theory of optimal experiments. The goal is to minimize the number of distinct measurements (array movements) needed to localize mines. The adaptive localization algorithm has been tested using experimental data collected in a laboratory facility at Georgia Tech. The performance of algorithm is exhibited for cases with one or two targets and in the presence of common types of clutter like rocks found in the soil. It has also been tested for the case where the propagation properties of the medium vary spatially. In almost all test cases the mines were located exactly using three or four array movements. It is envisioned that future systems could incorporate this new method into a portable mobile mine-location system.
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