Self-sensing, tunable monolayer MoS2 nanoelectromechanical resonators
Excellent mechanical properties and the presence of piezoresistivity make single layers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) viable candidates for integration in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). We report on the realization of electromechanical resonators based on single-layer MoS2 with both piezoresistive and capacitive transduction schemes. Operating in the ultimate limit of membrane thickness, the resonant frequency of MoS2 resonators is primarily defined by the built-in mechanical tension and is in the very high frequency range. Using electrostatic interaction with a gate electrode, we tune the resonant frequency, allowing for the extraction of resonator parameters such as mass density and built-in strain. Furthermore, we study the origins of nonlinear dynamic response at high driving force. The results shed light on the potential of TMDC-based NEMS for the investigation of nanoscale mechanical effects at the limits of vertical downscaling and applications such as resonators for RF-communications, force and mass sensors.
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