Reduction of the sign problem near T=0 in quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Building on a recent investigation of the Shastry-Sutherland model [S. Wessel et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 174432 (2018)], we develop a general strategy to eliminate the Monte Carlo sign problem near the zero-temperature limit in frustrated quantum spin models. If the Hamiltonian of interest and the sign-problem-free Hamiltonian, obtained by making all off-diagonal elements negative in a given basis, have the same ground state and this state is a member of the computational basis, then the average sign returns to one as the temperature goes to zero. We illustrate this technique by studying the triangular and kagome lattice Heisenberg antiferrromagnet in a magnetic field above saturation, as well as the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a modified Husimi cactus in the dimer basis. We also provide detailed Appendices on using linear programming techniques to automatically generate efficient directed loop updates in quantum Monte Carlo simulations.
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