Probabilistic Spinning Reserve Provision Model in Multi-Control Zone Power System
Inter-zonal trading in multi-area power system (MAPS) improves the market efficiency and the system reliability by sharing the resources (energy and reserve services) across zonal boundaries. Actually, each area can operate with less reserve resources than would normally be required for isolated operation. The aim of this work is to propose a model that includes the problem of optimal spinning reserve (SR) provision into the security constraint unit commitment (SCUC) formulation based on the reliability criteria for a MAPS. The loss of load probability (LOLP) and the expected load not served (ELNS) are evaluated as probabilistic metrics in the case of a multi-control zone power system. Moreover, we demonstrate how these criteria can be explicitly incorporated into the market-clearing formulation. The non-coincidental nature of spinning reserve requirement across the zonal boundary is effectively modeled. Two system cases including a small-scale (six-bus) test system and the IEEE reliability test system (IEEE-RTS) are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented model.
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