FAST code system: Review of recent developments and near-future plans
The FAST code system is currently being developed and used at the Paul Scherrer Institut for static and transient analysis of the main Generation 4 fast-spectrum reactor concepts: sodium-, helium-, and gas-cooled fast reactors. The code system includes the ERANOS code system for static neutronics calculations, as well as coupled TRACE/PARCS/FRED for neutron kinetics, thermal hydraulic, and fuel transient analysis. The paper presents the status of the recent developments in neutronics (new 3D procedure for equilibrium cycle simulation and new transient cross section generation procedure), in thermal hydraulics and chemistry (equations-of-state for new coolants, two-phase flow models for sodium, and new model for oxide layer buildup in heavy-metal flow), and in fuel behavior (new model for the dispersed gas-cooled fast reactor fuel). Near-future plans for the further development of FAST are outlined. 2010 by ASME.
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen 5232, Switzerland