An improved procedure for the assessment of overhead line indirect lightning performance and its comparison with the IEEE Std. 1410 method
This paper deals with the assessment of the lightning performance of distribution lines, namely the estimation of the annual number of lightning-induced flashovers versus the critical flashover voltage of the line insulators. The procedure proposed by the authors is compared with the one described in IEEE Std. 1410-2004 Guide for improving the lightning performance of electric power overhead distribution lines. The two methods differ: 1) for the models adopted to evaluate the induced voltages and 2) for the adopted statistical approach. The reasons for differences in the results predicted by the two methods are discussed and the parameters playing the major role in the achievement of the results are identified. The proposed method represents an improvement compared to IEEE Std. 1410 because it takes into account more realistic line configurations and the effect of the finite ground conductivity. © 2007 IEEE.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna 40136, Italy
Cited By (since 1996): 18
Export Date: 25 April 2012
Source: Scopus
doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2006.881463
Language of Original Document: English
Correspondence Address: Borghetti, A.; Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna 40136, Italy; email:
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