Integrated real-time control of MHD instabilities using multi-beam ECRH/ECCD systems on TCV
Simultaneous real-time control of multiple MHD instabilities is experimentally demonstrated in the TCV tokamak. Multiple sources of EC heating and current drive, injected through real-time controlled launchers, are used to stabilize 3/2 and 2/1 neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) rapidly after their appearance. Control of the sawtooth instability using a new sawtooth-pacing technique is demonstrated, providing precise control of the time of appearance of the sawtooth crash. Efficient NTM preemption can then be performed by applying pulsed power on the mode rational surface at the time of the seed-island generating sawtooth crash. These three elements are combined into one integrated control system which can simultaneously control the sawtooth period, preempt the formation of NTMs and suppress these if they appear.