Anatomic modeling of deformable human bodies
We propose a method to simulate human bodies based on anatomy concepts. We believe that the closer our model is to reality, the better our results will be. Using this approach, we are developing our human representation. Our model is divided into three layers and presented in three steps: the concept of a rigid body from a real skeleton, the muscle design and deformation based on physical concepts, and skin generation. Muscles are represented at two levels: the action lines and the muscle shape. The action line represents the force produced by a muscle on the bones, while the muscle shapes used in the simulation consist of surface-based models. To physically simulate deformations, we used a mass-spring system with a new kind of springs, called angular springs, which were developed to control the muscle volume during simulation. Integration aspects and results are also presented
Vis. Comput. (Germany)
Dept. of Comput. Sci., Fed.. Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil