Development of Low-Cost 24-GHz Circuits Exploiting System-in-Package (SiP) Approach and Commercial PCB Technology
This paper deals with 24-GHz circuits developed by exploiting a system-in-package approach. In order to reduce the cost as much as possible, a standard multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) technology has been adopted. Such a circuit consists of a package built utilizing a 0.3-mm thick fiber-glass substrate with 3.38 relative permittivity. The contacts between the substrate and the mother board are realized along the package perimeter exploiting 0.6-mm via-hole metalization and half halo shield soldering pad. First, the developed package is simulated and optimized by means of commercial electromagnetic software. Then a prototype is fabricated and measured. The obtained results show that the whole frequency band from DC to 30 GHz can be covered. A packaged 26.5-mm straight microstrip line exhibits an vertical bar S-11 vertical bar value better than -12 dB and an vertical bar S-21 vertical bar value of about -1.4 dB at 24 GHz. This value is only 0.6-dB worse than that of the unpackaged line. A single-balanced diode mixer and a low-noise amplifier (LNA) for industrial, scientific, and medical applications are then designed. The integration of these building blocks within the PCB package is finally demonstrated and experimentally verified. The packaged mixer shows a 6.8-dB conversion loss. The packaged LNA, instead, features a 9.1-dB gain with a 3.4-dB noise figure.