Copper impact on Red Sea Stylophora Pistillata and investigations on multi-xenobiotic resistance activity
Despite incredible thermotolerance to global warming, corals from Gulf of Aqaba are impacted by other local stressors such as copper (Cu) pollution. Multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) is the first line of cells defense against pollutant, however knowledge on its activity in corals is poor. In a mesocosm system, Stylophora pistillata corals from the gulf were exposed to copper (2 μg/L and 5μg/L), 8 times a day for 6 weeks. Before copper injection and after 3 days, 22 days and 44 days, planulae were collected and physiological analysis related to metabolism, photochemistry, protein content and MXR activity was done. Planulae were incubated under ambient and high (+4°C) temperature, but no effect of parent exposure to copper was visible on reproductive output, settlement success and mortality rate. However, corals exposed to Cu 2 μg/L displayed significant response on a “metabolic axis” associated to higher photosynthesis and respiration. MXR activity did show similar patterns with maximum quantum yield efficiency (Fv/Fm), a combination of parameters on which corals exposed to Cu 5 μg/L had different response. Further investigations on MXR are required to use it as a bioindicator for pollution. Currently, findings from this study support the possibility for GoA to be a coral refuge by a century.
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