Model-Based Compressive Sensing for Signal Ensembles
Compressive sensing (CS) is an alternative to Shannon/Nyquist sampling for acquiring sparse or compressible signals. Instead of taking N periodic samples, we measure M << N inner products with random vectors and then recover the signal via a sparsity-seeking optimization or greedy algorithm. A new framework for CS based on unions of subspaces can improve signal recovery by including dependencies between values and locations of the signal's significant coefficients. In this paper, we extend this framework to the acquisition of signal ensembles under a common sparse supports model. The new framework provides recovery algorithms with theoretical performance guarantees. Additionally, the framework scales naturally to large sensor networks: the number of measurements needed for each signal does not increase as the network becomes larger. Furthermore, the complexity of the recovery algorithm is only linear in the size of the network. We provide experimental results using synthetic and real-world signals that confirm these benefits.
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