Dialogue social dans les transports en Suisse
In Switzerland there are single bodies for both trade union organisations (SEV, VHTL, SSP, USS) and professional organisations (Economie Suisse being the peak association combining all the employer organisations: the Public Transport Union, CFF, BLS, Sped Log Suisse. ASPAG, SSC). In addition, various associations take part in the public debate on transport policies (the Touring Club Swiss, the Association for Transport and Environment, the Alps Initiative). Where public institutions are concerned, a Conference of canton directors of public transport has a consultative role. Each of the two federal chambers (the Council of States and the National Council) has a transport commission. Finally, transport is part of a ministerial portfolio -the Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC)- within the Federal Council. The strong tradition of bipartite negotiation leads to conventions. The linking of national and European Community levels is affected by the fact that the country does not belong to the European Union. In the example of the railway reform, the federal institutions organised the debate, which included both bipartite negotiations between employers and employees and tripartite negotiations that associated the public authorities as well, with decisions both in the form of conventions and in the form of laws.
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